Secretary General of Spatial Planning and Urban Environment
Ministry of Environment and Energy
Chairman & Managing Director
POADEP- Observatory of Motorways of Western Greece and Peloponnese
SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance Presidential Candidate
Former Alternate Minister for Energy and Environment of Greece
Representative of the general secretariat of equality and human rights in the Peloponnese region
Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family
General Secretary of Waste Management Coordination
Ministry of Environment & Energy, Hellenic Republic
Professor and Head of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication
University of the Aegean
Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister
Presidency of the Government, Hellenic Republic
Dean of the School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics
Harokopio University of Athens
Deputy Governor of Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation
Region of Western Greece
Honorary Deputy Chief of the Hellenic Police
President of the P.A.D.A. - Anti-Drug Action
Deputy Minister of Infrastructure & Transport, Responsible for Infrastructure issues
Hellenic Republic
Director, Risk Assessment & Internal Audit Department
Lever S.A. Development Consultants