Elena Kountoura


Elena Kountoura

Member of the European Parliament

Elena Kountoura for the current mandate is vice president of Transport and Tourism Committee, TRAN, Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee – FEMM, and Regional Development Committee, REGI.
Previously, she had served as Minister of Tourism of Greece (2015 – 2019), and was recipient of several prestigious awards, including “Tourism Minister of the Year 2019” in ITB Berlin, and “Global Champion 2019” for Destination Stewardship, by the World Travel & Tourism Council, WTTC.
During her long-standing political career (2004 -2019) she was elected six times as Member of the Greek Parliament in the First District of Athens. She had also been appointed Secretary to the Standing Committee on Monitoring the Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, and Member of the Greek Parliamentary Assembly at the Council of Europe, PACE.