Aristeidis Samitas

Aristeidis Samitas is the Vice Rector of Finance in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He was Chair of Finance Department in the College of Business in Zayed University, UAE and full Professor of Finance in the Department of Business Administration, University of the Aegean in Greece, for more than 20 years. He studied Economics at the University of Athens (BSc, 1995) and Banking and Finance at the University of Birmingham (MSc, 1996). He also holds a Ph.D. (2001) in Finance from the University of Athens and he has concluded Postdoctoral Research at City University, London (2009). He has delivered lectures as full
Professor both at the undergraduate and the postgraduate level in the University of the Aegean, University of Athens, University of Thessaly, Hellenic Open University, Open University of Cyprus and in the UK (University of Sheffield, City University and University of Wales).
He has also delivered lectures as guest speaker at numerous Universities around
the world (USA, Australia, Germany, etc.). He is the Associate Editor in International Journal of Finance and Economics, member of multiple scientific associations and a reviewer for international journals.
Aristeidis Samitas is the Director of the new MSc in FinTech (UoA) and for long time the Director of the MBA and the Executive MBA programs at the University of the Aegean and member of the University Council.
Professionally, he has been employed as consultant for various Ministries in Greece (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor) and he was the CEO at an educational organization.
His papers have been published in top international finance journals and edited volumes, such as the Journal of Econometrics, European Journal of Finance, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money, Applied Financial Economics, International Journal of Finance and Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis, Small Business
Economics, etc.
Currently, he has 75 published papers in peer-reviewed journals internationally, which span across a variety of subjects that include financial markets, financial crises, contagion, the banking sector, corporate finance and, very recently, social network analysis. He enjoys
collaborating with other colleagues on research projects and he believes that structured teamwork can vastly improve the quality of the scientific work.